Fraternal Greetings!!
As we celebrate our Heritage and History this month, The MVU would like to present a thought-provoking
Black History Month Quiz for your enjoyment and enlightenment! The answers will be revealed on 2/28/25!
Have fun and enjoy our History! – Your MVU!
True or False
1) There is only one Prince Hall Lodge within each military branch.
2) There are no female veterans within the Prince Hall family.
3) There was a Prince Hall Lodge #148 in Rosewood Florida that was destroyed during the black massacre and destruction of that town around 1923.
4) Harriet Tubman was one of the most celebrated veterans during the civil war.
5) In WW1, the “Harlem Hellfighters” because of their skin color, the U. S. War Department insisted that black soldiers not be depicted in the heroic 402-foot portrait recognizing heroes displayed in France’s Pantheon de la Guerre.
6) The Vietnam War was the first American war in which Black and White troops were not formally segregated,
7) Black service members are more likely to face court-martial, but the conviction rates across racestend to be similar.
8) Admiral Michelle J. Howard became the first female 4-star admiral in the U.S. Navy, as well as thefirst Black / African American to be Vice Chief of Naval Operations.
9) The USAF has the largest percentage of African American members in the Military
10) Martin Luther King was a veteran and Prince Hall masonBonus True or False
Bonus True or False
Founders Day this month has a little-known fact that 15 of our Founders members were attached to a Military Regiment!
Fill in the blank
1) Who was the first black mason to serve in the US military? _________________________
2) Who was the Prince Hall mason who served within the legendary Tuskegee Airmen?____
3) Who served as a Major in the United States Colored Troops during the Civil War & was a prominent
civil rights leader in Philadelphia? _____________________________________________
4) Who was the Prince Hall mason that became the highest-ranking black officer in the Union Army__________________________________________________________________________________
5) Who was a cook at Pearl Harbor, that had an aircraft carrier named after him? _______
6) Who was the original Top Gun pilot? (Hint: A recent movie was made about him)______
7) Who, in 1868, became the first Black female Buffalo Soldier ____________________
8) Who served in the Women’s Army Corps and Air Force and was the only female Black officer to be
retained in service after WW II ________________________________________________
9) The first African American casualty of the American Revolution_________________________________
10) Who was the beloved Prince Hall Mason, and Buffalo Soldier re-enactor? _____________
(For those who really want to know!!)
1) The Black 761st Tank Battalion of WWII fought under General George S. Patton and were called___________________
2) How many African-American military members received the Medal of Honor for actions during the Vietnam War ___________________
3) The military was not legally desegregated until ___________
4) Who was the Buffalo Soldier that became the first Black Soldier to graduate from the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, N.Y. ______________________
5) Who was the “Harlem Hellfighter” who ran out of ammunition after killing four Germans. Then engaged in hand-to-hand combat with a bolo knife and single-handedly captured 22 more Germans! __________
(For some fun time entertainment!)
1) This movie is about the forgotten war (Korea) and the first Top Gun pilot ____
2) Movie about aviators who never lost a plane they were supporting during a mission
3) A movie about moving the mail as only a sister can get it done _______________
4) A murder mystery that takes place in Italy during WW II __________________
5) A movie about 4 soldiers who struggle with medical and mental issues at home after returning from Iraq _______________
Bonus Movie Question
Denzel Washington starred in at least 5 military movies. Can you name them?
A) A murder mystery with Howard Rollins Jr. on a racist Army base _________
B) A civil war epic about the first black unit with Morgan Freeman _________
C) As a retired Marine who fights societal injustice _______________________
D) A murder mystery about the suspicious death of a helicopter pilot _______
E) As a Navy XO trying to avert a nuclear incident ________________________